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IT - Virtualization - 2.9BSD on PDP-11 on SimH 4.1 for Windows 10, macOS, and Linux


I am continually working to improve the approach for virtual machines. Check the most recent post to have an idea on how things are changing. Also, please, leave a comment when you find something that need to be improved.



  • Windows 
    • Vendor: Generic
    • CPU: 1 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz   3.79 GHz
    • RAM: 128GB
    • OS: Windows 10 64-bits
  • macOS
    • Vendor: Apple  MacBook Pro MacBookPro18,3
    • CPU: Apple M1 Pro
    • RAM: 32GB
    • OS: macOS 13.1 (22C65) Darwin 22.2.0
  • Linux
    • Vendor: Apple Inc. MacPro6,1/Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6, BIOS 430. 04/18/2022
    • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v2 @ 3.50GHz
    • RAM: 64GB
    • OS: Linux Fedora 37 Workstation


  • PDP-11
  • CPU:
  • Memory:
  • OS: 2.9BSD



  • Additional disks
  • Network
  • ps hangs
  • /etc/reboot (and /etc/shutdown) is not working
  • Instructions for Windows (no Cygwin), *BSD


  • 2.9BSD pre-build SimH from here.
  • 2.9BSD tape image here.
  • SimH 4.1 here
  • Documentation for version SimH 4.0 here.
  • Documentation for version SimH 3.12-3 here.
  • Classic SimH web-site here.
  • SIMH FAQ here.


  • bold text is user input from the keyboard
  • red text are control characters typed by the user
  • blue text is automatic input from SimH input processing
  • fuchsia text are automatic control characters input from SimH input processing
  1. Preparation
    • Windows 10 + cygwin
      1. Install Cygwin with b2zip (or 7z), uudecode, wget
      2. Define base directory structure
        $ sRootEmulatorsDirectory=/cygdrive/m/; export sRootEmulatorsDirectory
    • macOS
      1. Install brew
      2. Install additional tools. uudecode is installed with macOS already.
        $ brew install wget p7zip
      3. Define base directory structure
        $ sRootEmulatorsDirectory=~/Desktop/; export sRootEmulatorsDirectory
    • Linux
      1. Install additional tools. uudecode is installed with Linux already.
        $ sudo dnf install -y wget p7zip
      2. Define base directory structure
        $ sRootEmulatorsDirectory=/Volumes/vol000/; export sRootEmulatorsDirectory
    • FOR ALL OSes: Create directory strucuture
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/mirror/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/by-platform/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/by-platform/pdp-11/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/by-os/"
      $ mkdir -p "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/by-os/2-9bsd/"
      $ ln -sf "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd" "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/by-platform/pdp-11/2-9bsd"
      $ ln -sf "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd" "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/by-os/2-9bsd/pdp-11"
      $ cd "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/mirror/"
  2. Install SimH 4.1 from here. This is another fork project from the original emulator. The compilation process can vary, depedning omn the OS.
    1. If this is the first time, make a local copy of the simulator
      git clone simh-4.1
      Cloning into 'simh-4.1'...
      remote: Enumerating objects: 35175, done.
      remote: Counting objects: 100% (104/104), done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (66/66), done.
      remote: Total 35175 (delta 46), reused 86 (delta 38), pack-reused 35071
      Receiving objects: 100% (35175/35175), 78.76 MiB | 21.77 MiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (27237/27237), done.
      Updating files: 100% (1580/1580), done.
    2. Otherwise, update your local copy
      ( cd simh-4.1 && git fetch --all -v )
      POST git-upload-pack (155 bytes)
       = [up to date]        master                 -> origin/master
       = [up to date]        Alpha-CPU              -> origin/Alpha-CPU
       = [up to date]        AsyncTmxr              -> origin/AsyncTmxr
       = [up to date]        AutoConfigure          -> origin/AutoConfigure
       = [up to date]        Bryan-HP-Current       -> origin/Bryan-HP-Current
       = [up to date]        BufferedConsole        -> origin/BufferedConsole
       = [up to date]        ControlFlow            -> origin/ControlFlow
       = [up to date]        Extra-VAXen            -> origin/Extra-VAXen
       = [up to date]        FastAsynchIO           -> origin/FastAsynchIO
       = [up to date]        HP2100Extensions       -> origin/HP2100Extensions
       = [up to date]        KDP                    -> origin/KDP
       = [up to date]        SerialMux              -> origin/SerialMux
       = [up to date]        Supnik-Current         -> origin/Supnik-Current
       = [up to date]        VAX-11-BootBlock-Fixup -> origin/VAX-11-BootBlock-Fixup
       = [up to date]        simtools               -> origin/simtools
       = [up to date]        v3.9-0-rc1             -> origin/v3.9-0-rc1
       = [up to date]        vms-pcap               -> origin/vms-pcap
    3. Compile your simulator. Output can vary depending on your host operating system.
      ( cd simh-4.1 && make pdp11 && ./BIN/pdp11 )
      lib paths are: /usr/lib ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/Lib /lib/ /usr/lib/
      include paths are:  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/11/include /usr/include /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/11/../../../../lib/../include/w32api ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/Include
      using libm: /usr/lib/libm.a
      using librt: /usr/lib/librt.a
      using libpthread: /usr/lib/libpthread.a /usr/include/pthread.h
      using semaphore: /usr/include/semaphore.h
      using libdl: /usr/lib/libdl.a /usr/include/dlfcn.h
      using libedit: /usr/include/editline/readline.h
      using mman: /usr/include/sys/mman.h
      using libSDL2: /usr/include/SDL2/SDL.h
      *** No SDL ttf support available.  BESM-6 video panel disabled.
      *** Info *** Install the development components of libSDL2-ttf packaged by your
      *** Info *** operating system distribution and rebuild your simulator to
      *** Info *** enable this extra functionality.
      *** Warning ***
      *** Warning *** pdp11 Simulator is being built WITHOUT
      *** Warning *** libpcap networking support
      *** Warning ***
      *** Warning *** To build simulator(s) with libpcap networking support you
      *** Warning *** should read 0readme_ethernet.txt and follow the instructions
      *** Warning *** regarding the needed libpcap development components for your
      *** Warning *** cygwin platform
      *** Warning ***
      *** Warning ***
      *** Warning *** pdp11 Simulator is being built WITHOUT LAN networking support
      *** Warning ***
      *** Warning *** To build simulator(s) with networking support you should read
      *** Warning *** 0readme_ethernet.txt and follow the instructions regarding the
      *** Warning *** needed libpcap components for your cygwin platform
      *** Warning ***
      *** pdp11 Simulator being built with:
      *** - compiler optimizations and no debugging support. GCC Version: 11.3.0.
      *** - WITHOUT Local LAN networking support.
      *** - Local LAN packet transports: NAT(SLiRP)
      *** - video capabilities provided by libSDL2 (Simple Directmedia Layer).
      *** - Per simulator tests will be run.
      *** git commit id is 4e159a04ed6291509b685dc06f620389b3373cce.
      *** git commit time is 2023-01-04T13:22:12-0700.
      gcc -std=gnu99 -U__STRICT_ANSI__  -O2 -finline-functions -fgcse-after-reload -fpredictive-commoning -fipa-cp-clone -fno-unsafe-loop-optimizations -fno-strict-overflow -DSIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID=4e159a04ed6291509b685dc06f620389b3373cce -DSIM_GIT_COMMIT_TIME=2023-01-04T13:22:12-0700  -DSIM_COMPILER="GCC Version: 11.3.0" -DSIM_BUILD_TOOL=simh-makefile -I . -Werror -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_READER_THREAD -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO  -DHAVE_SEMAPHORE -DHAVE_SYS_IOCTL -DSIM_HAVE_DLOPEN=a -DHAVE_EDITLINE -DHAVE_UTIME -DHAVE_GLOB -DHAVE_SHM_OPEN -DHAVE_WINMM  ./PDP11/pdp11_fp.c ./PDP11/pdp11_cpu.c ./PDP11/pdp11_dz.c ./PDP11/pdp11_cis.c ./PDP11/pdp11_lp.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rk.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rl.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rp.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rx.c ./PDP11/pdp11_stddev.c ./PDP11/pdp11_sys.c ./PDP11/pdp11_tc.c ./PDP11/pdp11_tm.c ./PDP11/pdp11_ts.c ./PDP11/pdp11_io.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rq.c ./PDP11/pdp11_tq.c ./PDP11/pdp11_pclk.c ./PDP11/pdp11_ry.c ./PDP11/pdp11_pt.c ./PDP11/pdp11_hk.c ./PDP11/pdp11_xq.c ./PDP11/pdp11_xu.c ./PDP11/pdp11_vh.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rh.c ./PDP11/pdp11_tu.c ./PDP11/pdp11_cpumod.c ./PDP11/pdp11_cr.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rf.c ./PDP11/pdp11_dl.c ./PDP11/pdp11_ta.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rc.c ./PDP11/pdp11_kg.c ./PDP11/pdp11_ke.c ./PDP11/pdp11_dc.c ./PDP11/pdp11_dmc.c ./PDP11/pdp11_kmc.c ./PDP11/pdp11_dup.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rs.c ./PDP11/pdp11_vt.c ./PDP11/pdp11_td.c ./PDP11/pdp11_io_lib.c ./PDP11/pdp11_rom.c ./PDP11/pdp11_ch.c ./PDP11/pdp11_dh.c ./PDP11/pdp11_ng.c ./PDP11/pdp11_daz.c ./PDP11/pdp11_tv.c ./PDP11/pdp11_mb.c ./display/display.c ./display/sim_ws.c ./display/ng.c ./display/vt11.c ./scp.c ./sim_console.c ./sim_fio.c ./sim_timer.c ./sim_sock.c ./sim_tmxr.c ./sim_ether.c ./sim_tape.c ./sim_disk.c ./sim_serial.c ./sim_video.c ./sim_imd.c ./sim_card.c -DVM_PDP11 -I ./PDP11 -Islirp -Islirp_glue -Islirp_glue/qemu -DHAVE_SLIRP_NETWORK -DUSE_SIMH_SLIRP_DEBUG slirp/*.c slirp_glue/*.c -DUSE_NETWORK -DUSE_DISPLAY -DHAVE_LIBSDL -DUSE_SIM_VIDEO `sdl2-config --cflags` `sdl2-config --libs` -o BIN/pdp11 -lm -lrt -lpthread -ldl -ledit -lwinmm
      BIN/pdp11 RegisterSanityCheck  </dev/null
       Running internal register sanity checks on PDP-11 simulator.
      *** Good Registers in PDP-11 simulator.
      PDP-11 simulator Open SIMH V4.1-0 Current        git commit id: 4e159a04
      sim> q
    4. The simulator program is available in the BIN directory from the compiled git repository. To make life easier, the best is to create a link to the program. I can create a link into /usr/bin or into the guest directory. I will go with the later.
      • Windows 10 + cygwin
        cd "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd"ln -s ../../mirror/simh-4.1/BIN/pdp11.exe pdp11-4.1ls -laF pdp11-4.1
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 afberendsen None 36 Feb 19 15:26 pdp11-4.1.exe -> ../../mirror/simh-4.1/BIN/pdp11*
      • macOS and Linux
        cd "${sRootEmulatorsDirectory}/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd"ln -s ../../mirror/simh-4.1/BIN/pdp11 pdp11-4.1ls -laF pdp11-4.1
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 afberendsen None 36 Feb 19 15:26 pdp11-4.1 -> ../../mirror/simh-4.1/BIN/pdp11*
  3. Build the guest (it is assumed that you are in the guest data directory)
    • For the pre-build image
      1. Download pre-build image
        --2023-02-23 05:56:44--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
        Length: 12646958 (12M) [application/octet-stream]
        Saving to: ‘29bsd.tar.gz’
        29bsd.tar.gz                      100%[=============================================================>]  12.06M  23.5MB/s    in 0.5s
        2023-02-23 05:56:45 (23.5 MB/s) - ‘29bsd.tar.gz’ saved [12646958/12646958]
      2. Unpack package
        # cygwin => 7z x 29bsd.tar.gz# macOS => 7zz x 29bsd.tar.gz# Linux => 7za x 29bsd.tar.gz
        7-Zip [64] 15.14 : Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov : 2015-12-31
        p7zip Version 15.14.1 (locale=en_GB.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,16 CPUs Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz (A0655),ASM,AES-NI)
        Scanning the drive for archives:
        1 file, 12646958 bytes (13 MiB)
        Extracting archive: 29bsd.tar.gz
        Path = 29bsd.tar.gz
        Type = gzip
        Headers Size = 10
        Everything is Ok
        Size:       277155840
        Compressed: 12646958
        $ tar -xv --strip-components=1 -f 29bsd.tar
        $ ls -la
        total 553684
        drwxrwxrwx+ 1 afberendsen None         0 Feb 23 05:57 .
        drwxrwxrwx+ 1 afberendsen None         0 Feb 23 05:52 ..
        -rw-r--r--+ 1 afberendsen None       754 Jan 26 21:57 29bsd.ini
        -rw-r--r--+ 1 afberendsen None 277155840 Jan 27 11:08 29bsd.tar
        -rw-rw-rw-+ 1 afberendsen None  12646958 Jan 27 11:08 29bsd.tar.gz
        -rw-r--r--+ 1 afberendsen None      2536 Jan 26 22:29 README
        -rw-r--r--+ 1 afberendsen None 256185344 Jan 26 22:32 main.disk
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 afberendsen None        35 Feb 23 05:55 pdp11-4.1 -> ../../mirror/simh-4.1/BIN/pdp11
        -rw-r--r--+ 1 afberendsen None  10478080 Jan 26 22:32 root.rl02
        -rw-r--r--+ 1 afberendsen None  10478080 Jan 20 17:29 swap.rl02
      3. Update the initialization file. Check the lines in red below and update the 29bsd.ini file accordingly.
        set cpu 11/70
        set cpu 2M
        set cpu fpp
        ;The CIS option can't be disabled on a 11/70 CPU
        ;set cpu nocis
        show cpu
        ;set cpu idle
        set tti 7b
        set tto 7b
        set rl0 rl02
        set rl1 rl02
        set rl2 dis
        set rl3 dis
        att rl0 root.rl02
        att rl1 swap.rl02
        set rk dis
        set hk dis
        set rq dis
        set tq dis
        set xq dis
        set rx dis
        set cr dis
        ;set rha dis
        set ptp dis
        set ptr dis
        set pclk ena
        set rp0 rm05
        att rp0 main.disk
        set dz lines=8
        set dz 7b
        att dz -m 4000
        expect ": " send "rl(0,0)rlunix\n"; continue
        expect "#" send "\x04"; continue
        boot rl0    
    • If using the tape image
      1. Create the setup files (valid for all OSes).
        1. tTestTape.ini
          set cpu 11/70
          set cpu 2M
          set cpu fpp
          show cpu
          set tti 7b
          set tto 7b
          set rl0 disable
          set rl1 disable
          set rl2 disable
          set rl3 disable
          set rk disable
          set hk disable
          set rq disable
          set tq disable
          set xq disable
          set rx disable
          set cr disable
          set rha disable
          set ptp disable
          set ptr disable
          set pclk enable
          set rp0 rm05
          attach -r tm0 2.9BSDinstall.tap
          set dz lines=8
          set dz 7b
          attach dz -m 4429
          expect ": " send "tm(0,1)\n"; continue
          expect "File:" send "tm(0,2)\n"; continue
          expect ": " quit
          boot tm0
        2. tInstallFromTape.ini
          set cpu 11/70
          set cpu 2M
          set cpu fpp
          show cpu
          set tti 7b
          set tto 7b
          set rl0 rl02
          set rl1 rl02
          set rl2 disable
          set rl3 disable
          set rk disable
          set hk disable
          set rq disable
          set tq disable
          set xq disable
          set rx disable
          set cr disable
          set ptp disable
          set ptr disable
          set pclk enable
          set rp0 rm05
          if not exist disk0000_2-9_root_rl02.dsk attach -n rl0 disk0000_2-9_root_rl02.dsk
          if not exist disk0001_2-9_swap_rl02.dsk attach -n rl0 disk0001_2-9_swap_rl02.dsk
          if not exist disk0002_2-9_test_rp0.dsk attach  -n rp0 disk0002_2-9_test_rp0.dsk
          if     exist disk0000_2-9_root_rl02.dsk attach rl0 disk0000_2-9_root_rl02.dsk
          if     exist disk0001_2-9_swap_rl02.dsk attach rl0 disk0001_2-9_swap_rl02.dsk
          if     exist disk0002_2-9_test_rp0.dsk attach  rp0 disk0002_2-9_test_rp0.dsk
          attach -r tm0 2.9BSDinstall.tap
          set dz lines=8
          set dz 7b
          attach dz -m 4429
          expect ": " send "tm(0,3)\n"; continue
          expect "file system:" send "rl(0,0)\n"; continue
          expect "file sys size:" send "8500\n"; continue
          expect "interleaving factor (m; 5 default):" send "5\n"; continue
          expect "interleaving modulus (n; 10 default):" send "10\n"; continue
          expect ": " send "tm(0,4)\n"; continue
          expect "Tape?" send "tm(0,6)\n"; continue
          expect "Disk?" send "rl(0,0)\n"; continue
          expect "Last chance before scribbling on disk." send "\n"; continue
          expect ": " send "tm(0,5)\n"; continue
          expect "File:" send "rl(0,0)\n"; continue
          expect ": " send "rl(0,0)rlunix\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "cd /mdec; dd if=rluboot of=/dev/rl0 count=1; fsck -y /dev/rl0\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "cat > /etc/fstab\n/dev/rl0:/:rw:7:1\n\x04"; continue
          expect "# " send "cd /dev\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "sh MAKE tm0\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "df\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "mkfs /dev/xp0h 248000\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "mount /dev/xp0h /usr;cd /usr;mt -t /dev/nrmt0 fsf 7;tar xpfv /dev/rmt0\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "cd /dev\nmknod swap b 8 1\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "cat > /etc/fstab\n/dev/rl0:/:rw:7:1\n/dev/xp0h:/usr:rw:7:2\n/dev/rl1:swap:sw:0::0\n\x04"; continue
          expect "# " send "cat > /etc/ttytype\nansi tty00\nansi tty01\nansi tty02\nansi tty03\nansi tty04\nansi tty05\nansi tty06\nansi tty07\n\x04"; continue
          expect "# " send "cat > /etc/dtab\n#               Device Configuration Table\n#       Clock and console are pre-configured and should not be listed here\n#\n# Dev#  Addr    Vector  Br      Handler(s)      ; Comment\nxp ?    176700  254     5       xpio            ; SMD disk (RP04/5/6, RM)\n#rk ?    177400  220     5       rkio            ; RK05\n#hk ?    177440  210     5       hkio            ; RK06/7\nrl ?    174400  160     5       rlio            ; RL01/02\n#rp ?    176700  254     5       rpio            ; RP03\n#ht 0    172440  224     5       htio            ; TM03/TE16, etc.\ntm 0    172520  224     5       tmio            ; TM-11\n#ts 0    172520  224     5       tsio            ; TS-11\n#dh ?    160020  370     5       dhin    dhou    ; DH11 terminal mux\n#dm ?    170500  360     4       dmin            ; DM-11 BB DH Modem Control\ndz ?    160100  300     5       dzin    dzdma   ; DZ11 terminal mux\n#dz ?    160110  320     5       dzin    dzou    ; DZ11 if pseudo-DMA not enabled\n#dn 0    175200  300     5       dnou            ; DN-11 dialer\n# kl 1  176500  300     5       klin    klou    ; DL-11\n#vp ?    177500  174     4       vpio            ; Versatec; should be before lp\nlp ?    177514  200     4       lpio            ; LP-11 line printer\n\x04"; continue
          expect "# " send "sync;sync;sync;sync;\n\x05"; continue
          boot tm0
        3. dBoot.ini
          set cpu 11/70
          set cpu 2M
          set cpu fpp
          show cpu
          set tti 7b
          set tto 7b
          set rl0 rl02
          set rl1 rl02
          set rl2 disable
          set rl3 disable
          attach rl0 2.9BSD-root.rl02
          attach rl1 swap.rl02
          set rk disable
          set hk disable
          set rq disable
          set tq disable
          set xq disable
          set rx disable
          set cr disable
          set rha disable
          set ptp disable
          set ptr disable
          set pclk enable
          set rp0 rm05
          attach rp0 test.disk
          set dz lines=8
          set dz 7b
          attach dz -m 4429
          expect ": " send "rl(0,0)rlunix\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "fsck -y /dev/rl0\n"; continue
          expect "# " send "\x04"; continue
          boot rl0
      2. Download the tape tar ball from here.
        wget --output-document=2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2 ''--2023-02-23 21:41:33--
        Resolving (,, 2606:4700::6812:a80, ...
        Connecting to (||:80... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
        Location: [following]
        --2023-02-23 21:41:33--
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
        Location: [following]
        --2023-02-23 21:41:34--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
        Location: [following]
        --2023-02-23 21:41:34--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
        Length: 9840273 (9.4M) [application/octet-stream]
        Saving to: ‘2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2’
        2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2                 100%[======================================================================>]   9.38M   680KB/s    in 16s
        2023-02-23 21:41:51 (602 KB/s) - ‘2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2’ saved [9840273/9840273]
      3. Expand the tar package
        7z x 2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2
        7-Zip [64] 15.14 : Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov : 2015-12-31
        p7zip Version 15.14.1 (locale=en_GB.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,16 CPUs Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz (A0655),ASM,AES-NI)
        Scanning the drive for archives:
        1 file, 9840273 bytes (9610 KiB)
        Extracting archive: 2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2
        Path = 2.9BSDinstall.tap.bz2
        Type = bzip2
        Everything is Ok
        Size:       40132708
        Compressed: 9840273
      4. Check the tape file
        ./pdp11-4.1 tTestTape.ini
        PDP-11 simulator Open SIMH V4.1-0 Current        git commit id: 4e159a04
        Disabling XQ
        CPU     11/70, FPP, RH70, autoconfiguration enabled, idle disabled
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tTestTape.ini-18> set rha disable
        Command not allowed
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tTestTape.ini-23> attach tm0 2.9BSDinstall.tap
        %SIM-INFO: TM0: Tape Image '2.9BSDinstall.tap' scanned as SIMH format
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tTestTape.ini-26> attach dz -m 4429
        %SIM-INFO: Listening on port 4429
        Modem control activated
        : tm(0,1)
        File: tm(0,2)
        Contents of this tape:
        File 0:
                2 copies of magtape bootstrap (2 blocks total)
                The standalone bootstrap
        File 1:
                A file to console copy program
        File 2:
                This file
        File 3:
                The program mkfs
        File 4:
                The program restor
        File 5:
                The program icheck
        File 6:
                A dump of the root file system
        File 7:
                A tar format dump of the /usr filesystem
                (extract with: Goodbye
      5. Install the OS into the disk, from the tape. The entire proces is automatic. The /etc/reboot (and /etc/shutdown) have a problem and the system is not halting. It is necessary to use a work-around for it.
        ./pdp11-4.1 tInstallFromTape.ini
        PDP-11 simulator Open SIMH V4.1-0 Current        git commit id: 4e159a04
        Disabling XQ
        CPU     11/70, FPP, RH70, autoconfiguration enabled, idle disabled
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tMakeRoot.ini-24> attach -n rl0 disk0000_2-9_root_rl02.dsk
        %SIM-INFO: RL0: Creating new file: disk0000_2-9_root_rl02.dsk
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tMakeRoot.ini-25> attach -n rl0 disk0001_2-9_swap_rl02.dsk
        %SIM-INFO: RL0: Creating new file: disk0001_2-9_swap_rl02.dsk
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tMakeRoot.ini-26> attach  -n rp0 disk0002_2-9_test_rp0.dsk
        %SIM-INFO: RP0: Creating new file: disk0002_2-9_test_rp0.dsk
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tMakeRoot.ini-32> attach -r tm0 2.9BSDinstall.tap
        %SIM-INFO: TM0: unit is read only
        %SIM-INFO: TM0: Tape Image '2.9BSDinstall.tap' scanned as SIMH format
        /cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/tMakeRoot.ini-35> attach dz -m 4429
        %SIM-INFO: Listening on port 4429
        Modem control activated
        : tm(0,3)
        file system: rl(0,0)
        file sys size: 8500
        interleaving factor (m; 5 default): 5
        interleaving modulus (n; 10 default): 10
        isize = 5440
        m/n = 5 10
        Exit called
        : tm(0,4)
        Tape? tm(0,6)
        Disk? rl(0,0)
        Last chance before scribbling on disk.
        End of tape
        : tm(0,5)
        File: rl(0,0)
        files 238 (r=145,d=10,b=27,c=56,q=0,l=0)
        used 1917 (i=94,ii=0,iii=0,d=1823)
        free 6241
        missing 0
        : rl(0,0)rlunix
        Berkeley UNIX (Rev. 2.9.1) Sun Nov 20 14:55:50 PST 1983
        mem = 1979072
        xp 0 csr 176700 vector 254 attached
        rk ? csr 177400 vector 220 skipped:  No CSR
        hk ? csr 177440 vector 210 skipped:  No CSR
        rl 0 csr 174400 vector 160 attached
        rp ? csr 176700 vector 254 interrupt vector already in use
        ht 0 csr 172440 vector 224 skipped:  No CSR
        tm 0 csr 172520 vector 224 attached
        ts 0 csr 172520 vector 224 interrupt vector already in use
        dh ? csr 160020 vector 370 skipped:  No CSR
        dm ? csr 170500 vector 360 skipped:  No autoconfig routines
        dz ? csr 160110 vector 320 skipped:  No CSR
        dz ? csr 160110 vector 320 skipped:  No CSR
        dn 0 csr 175200 vector 300 skipped:  No autoconfig routines
        vp ? csr 177500 vector 174 skipped:  No autoconfig routines
        lp 0 csr 177514 vector 200 attached
        Erase=^?, kill=^U, intr=^C
        # cd /mdec; dd if=rluboot of=/dev/rl0 count=1; fsck -y /dev/rl0
        0+1 records in
        0+1 records out
        File System: /
        ** Checking /dev/rl0
        ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
        ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
        ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
        ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
        ** Phase 5 - Check Free List
        238 files 1916 blocks 6242 free
        # cat > /etc/fstab
        CTRL+Dcd /devsh MAKE tm0df
        Filesystem  Mounted on  kbytes    used    free  % used
        /dev/rl0    /             8158    1916    6242     23%
        # mkfs /dev/xp0h 248000
        isize = 65488
        m/n = 5 10
        # mount /dev/xp0h /usr;cd /usr;mt -t /dev/nrmt0 fsf 7;tar xpfv /dev/rmt0
        Tar: blocksize = 20
        x ./70/adb, 28204 bytes, 56 tape blocks
        x ./70/make, 18182 bytes, 36 tape blocks
        x ./70/dump, 9806 bytes, 20 tape blocks
        x ./70/restor, 12464 bytes, 25 tape blocks
        x ./70/rogue, 82920 bytes, 162 tape blocks
        x ./70/csh, 55488 bytes, 109 tape blocks
        x ./70/ex, 135854 bytes, 266 tape blocks
        x ./bin/lex, 31826 bytes, 63 tape blocks
        x ./ingres/lib/READ_ME, 259 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ingres/version, 92 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ingres/.cshrc, 64 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ingres/.login, 158 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ingres/.exrc, 27 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        # cd /devmknod swap b 8 1cat > /etc/fstab
        /dev/rl1:swap:sw:0::0cat > /etc/ttytype
        ansi tty00
        ansi tty01
        ansi tty02
        ansi tty03
        ansi tty04
        ansi tty05
        ansi tty06
        ansi tty07
        CTRL+Dcat > /etc/dtab
        #               Device Configuration Table
        #       Clock and console are pre-configured and should not be listed here
        # Dev#  Addr    Vector  Br      Handler(s)      ; Comment
        xp ?    176700  254     5       xpio            ; SMD disk (RP04/5/6, RM)
        #rk ?    177400  220     5       rkio            ; RK05
        #hk ?    177440  210     5       hkio            ; RK06/7
        rl ?    174400  160     5       rlio            ; RL01/02
        #rp ?    176700  254     5       rpio            ; RP03
        #ht 0    172440  224     5       htio            ; TM03/TE16, etc.
        tm 0    172520  224     5       tmio            ; TM-11
        #ts 0    172520  224     5       tsio            ; TS-11
        #dh ?    160020  370     5       dhin    dhou    ; DH11 terminal mux
        #dm ?    170500  360     4       dmin            ; DM-11 BB DH Modem Control
        dz ?    160100  300     5       dzin    dzdma   ; DZ11 terminal mux
        #dz ?    160110  320     5       dzin    dzou    ; DZ11 if pseudo-DMA not enabled
        #dn 0    175200  300     5       dnou            ; DN-11 dialer
        # kl 1  176500  300     5       klin    klou    ; DL-11
        #vp ?    177500  174     4       vpio            ; Versatec; should be before lp
        lp ?    177514  200     4       lpio            ; LP-11 line printer
        CTRL+Dsync;sync;sync;sync/etc/shutdown -h +1
        Shutdown at 16:58 (in 1 minute) [pid 446]
        # Shutdown at 16:58 (in 1 minute)
        System shutdown time has arrived
        reboot: Invalid argument
        Erase=^?, kill=^U, intr=^C
        Simulation stopped, PC: 004632 (MOV (SP)+,177776)
        sim> q

First look

Pre-packaged version

There is a problem with the shutdown routine, more precisely with /etc/reboot. It fails and returns to the login prompt.

./pdp11-4.1 29bsd.ini
PDP-11 simulator Open SIMH V4.1-0 Current        git commit id: 4e159a04
To boot the system, type rl(0,0)rlunix at
the ":" prompt after 70Boot
This will boot the system in single user
mode, to enter normal multiuser mode, hit
At this point you can login as root or
guest without any password. To halt the
system: su, kill -1 1, sync; sync; sync,
Control-E, quit.
Disabling XQ
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/29bsd.ini-17> set cpu nocis
%SIM-ERROR: The CIS option can't be disabled on a 11/70 CPU
CPU     11/70, FPP, RH70, autoconfiguration enabled, idle disabled
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/29bsd.ini-26> att rl0 root.rl02
%SIM-INFO: RL0: Amount of data in use in disk container 'root.rl02' cannot be determined, skipping autosizing
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/29bsd.ini-27> att rl1 swap.rl02
%SIM-INFO: RL1: Amount of data in use in disk container 'swap.rl02' cannot be determined, skipping autosizing
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/29bsd.ini-40> att rp0 main.disk
%SIM-INFO: RP0: Amount of data in use in disk container 'main.disk' cannot be determined, skipping autosizing
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/29bsd.ini-43> att dz -m 4000
%SIM-INFO: Listening on port 4000
Modem control activated
: rl(0,0)rlunix
Berkeley UNIX (Rev. 2.9.1) Sun Nov 20 14:55:50 PST 1983
mem = 1979072
xp 0 csr 176700 vector 254 attached
rl 0 csr 174400 vector 160 attached
tm 0 csr 172520 vector 224 attached
dz 0 csr 160100 vector 300 attached
lp 0 csr 177514 vector 200 attached
Erase=^?, kill=^U, intr=^C
# CTRL+DWed Dec 31 18:23:39 PST 1969
Mounted /usr on /dev/xp0h
Berkeley Unix 2.9BSD
:login: root
Welcome to the 2.9BSD (Berkeley) UNIX system.
# echo $PATH
# ls /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /etc
#        cmp      e        icheck   mt       pstat    strip    vi
[        cp       echo     iostat   mv       pwd      stty     view
adb      csh      ed       kill     ncheck   ranlib   su       wc
ar       date     edit     l        newgrp   restor   sync     who
as       dcheck   ex       ld       nice     rm       tail     write
cat      dd       expr     ln       nm       rmail    tar      yes
cc       df       false    login    od       rmdir    tee
chgrp    diff     fgrep    ls       oldcsh   sh       test
chmod    du       file     mail     passwd   size     time
chown    dump     find     make     pr       sleep    touch
clri     dumpdir  grep     mkdir    ps       sort     true
accton         fstab          mkfs           psdatabase     umount
admclean       fstab.sample   mklost+found   rc             update
autoconfig     getty          mknod          reboot         utmp
cron           group          motd           savecore       vipw
ddate          hostname       mount          shutdown       wall
dmesg          ident          mtab           termcap
dtab           init           passwd         ttys
fsck           localhostname  proto          ttytype
512dumpdir  dc          look        prep        sh          uuencode
512restor   delrem      lookbib     prfile      spell       uulog
Mail        deroff      lorder      primes      split       uuname
ac          diff3       ls          printenv    struct      uusend
at          dumpdir     m4          prof        sum         uusnap
awk         egrep       mesg        ptx         sync        uustat
basename    enroll      mkdir       px          tabs        uux
bc          eqn         neqn        pxp         tbl         why
cal         f77         nohup       quot        tp          write
calendar    factor      nroff       ratfor      tr          xget
cb          find        ovadb       refer       troff       xsend
checkeq     join        pcc         remind      tsort       yacc
checkobj    learn       pi          restor      tty
col         lex         pix         rev         unifdef
comm        lint        plot        sa          uniq
crypt       login       pr          sed         uudecode
Mail       clear      eyacc      la         pack       ssp        uptime
RESET      clock      f          last       page       strings    users
apropos    colcrt     finger     lastcomm   printenv   sysline    vmstat
astags     colrm      fmt        leave      prmail     tabify     vsh
bad144     compact    fold       link       pubindex   tod        w
badsect    count      from       lock       renice     tra        whatis
bugformat  ctags      getNAME    m11        reset      tset       whereis
catman     cxref      gets       mail       sccs       u          which
ccat       daytime    grep       man        script     ul         whoami
checknr    diffdir    head       mkstr      see        uncompact  xstr
chfn       double     indent     more       sendbug    unexpand
chsh       error      iul        msgs       setup      unpack
ckdir      expand     l11        num        soelim     untmp
# who
root     console Dec 31 18:23
# dmesg
Dec 31 18:25
Berkeley UNIX (Rev. 2.9.1) Sun Nov 20 14:55:50 PST 1983
mem = 1979072
# mount
xp0h on /usr
# iostat 5
tin tout  sps msps  tps msps mspt  tps msps mspt usr nic sys idle
   0   9    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  11    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   1  14    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  14    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   2  16    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
# iostat 5 10
tin tout  sps msps  tps msps mspt  tps msps mspt usr nic sys idle
   0  10    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  12    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
# w
  6:31pm  up 8 mins,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
User     tty       login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
root     console   6:23pm                      w
# whoami
# which df
# which ps
# ps
# /etc/shutdown -h +1
Shutdown at 18:42 (in 1 minute) [pid 70]
*** System shutdown message from root ***
System going down in 60 seconds
*** System shutdown message from root ***
System going down in 30 seconds
*** System shutdown message from root ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY
*** System shutdown message from root ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY
Shutdown at 18:42 (in 1 minute)
System shutdown time has arrived
reboot: Invalid argument
Berkeley Unix 2.9BSD
Simulation stopped, PC: 004632 (MOV (SP)+,177776)
sim> q

Tape build version

./pdp11-4.1 dBoot.ini

PDP-11 simulator Open SIMH V4.1-0 Current        git commit id: 4e159a04
Disabling XQ
CPU     11/70, FPP, RH70, autoconfiguration enabled, idle disabled
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/dBoot.ini-24> set rha disable
Command not allowed
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/dBoot.ini-28> set rp0 rm05
Unit already attached
/cygdrive/m/Emulators/SimH/guests/pdp-11_2-9bsd/dBoot.ini-31> attach dz -m 4429
%SIM-INFO: Listening on port 4429
Modem control activated

: rl(0,0)rlunix

Berkeley UNIX (Rev. 2.9.1) Sun Nov 20 14:55:50 PST 1983
mem = 1979072

xp 0 csr 176700 vector 254 attached
rl 0 csr 174400 vector 160 attached
tm 0 csr 172520 vector 224 attached
dz 0 csr 160100 vector 300 attached
lp 0 csr 177514 vector 200 attached
Erase=^?, kill=^U, intr=^C
# fsck -y /dev/rl0

File System: /

** Checking /dev/rl0
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Free List
244 files 1919 blocks 6239 free
# CTRL+DWed Dec 31 16:58:21 PST 1969
Mounted /usr on /dev/xp0h

Berkeley Unix 2.9BSD

:login: root

Welcome to the 2.9BSD (Berkeley) UNIX system.

# echo $PATH
# ls /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /etc 

#        cmp      e        icheck   mt       pstat    strip    vi
[        cp       echo     iostat   mv       pwd      stty     view
adb      csh      ed       kill     ncheck   ranlib   su       wc
ar       date     edit     l        newgrp   restor   sync     who
as       dcheck   ex       ld       nice     rm       tail     write
cat      dd       expr     ln       nm       rmail    tar      yes
cc       df       false    login    od       rmdir    tee
chgrp    diff     fgrep    ls       oldcsh   sh       test
chmod    du       file     mail     passwd   size     time
chown    dump     find     make     pr       sleep    touch
clri     dumpdir  grep     mkdir    ps       sort     true

accton         fstab          mkfs           psdatabase     umount
admclean       fstab.sample   mklost+found   rc             update
autoconfig     getty          mknod          reboot         utmp
cron           group          motd           savecore       vipw
ddate          hostname       mount          shutdown       wall
dmesg          ident          mtab           termcap
dtab           init           passwd         ttys
fsck           localhostname  proto          ttytype

512dumpdir  dc          look        prep        sh          uuencode
512restor   delrem      lookbib     prfile      spell       uulog
Mail        deroff      lorder      primes      split       uuname
ac          diff3       ls          printenv    struct      uusend
at          dumpdir     m4          prof        sum         uusnap
awk         egrep       mesg        ptx         sync        uustat
basename    enroll      mkdir       px          tabs        uux
bc          eqn         neqn        pxp         tbl         why
cal         f77         nohup       quot        tp          write
calendar    factor      nroff       ratfor      tr          xget
cb          find        ovadb       refer       troff       xsend
checkeq     join        pcc         remind      tsort       yacc
checkobj    learn       pi          restor      tty
col         lex         pix         rev         unifdef
comm        lint        plot        sa          uniq
crypt       login       pr          sed         uudecode

Mail       clear      eyacc      la         pack       ssp        uptime
RESET      clock      f          last       page       strings    users
apropos    colcrt     finger     lastcomm   printenv   sysline    vmstat
astags     colrm      fmt        leave      prmail     tabify     vsh
bad144     compact    fold       link       pubindex   tod        w
badsect    count      from       lock       renice     tra        whatis
bugformat  ctags      getNAME    m11        reset      tset       whereis
catman     cxref      gets       mail       sccs       u          which
ccat       daytime    grep       man        script     ul         whoami
checknr    diffdir    head       mkstr      see        uncompact  xstr
chfn       double     indent     more       sendbug    unexpand
chsh       error      iul        msgs       setup      unpack
ckdir      expand     l11        num        soelim     untmp
# who ; dmesg ; mount ; df ; iostat 5 5 ; whoami which df ; ps
root     console Dec 31 16:58

Dec 31 17:00

Berkeley UNIX (Rev. 2.9.1) Sun Nov 20 14:55:50 PST 1983
mem = 1979072
xp0h on /usr
Filesystem  Mounted on  kbytes    used    free  % used
/dev/rl0    /             8158    1921    6237     24%
/dev/xp0h   /usr        243905   37243  206662     15%
tin tout  sps msps  tps msps mspt  tps msps mspt usr nic sys idle
   1  34    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  16    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
   0  13    0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0    0  0.0  0.0   0   0   0 100
# sync ; sync ; sync ; sync
Simulation stopped, PC: 004632 (MOV (SP)+,177776)
sim> q


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