My views Plot In 1996, Brantford, New Hampshire , teenager Alex Vreeke receives Jumanji , which was previously disposed of by Alan Parrish and Sarah Whittle in 1969, [ a ] from his father, who found it on the coast. However, he sets it aside, being only interested in video games. Later that night, Alex finds it transformed into a video game cartridge . Opting to play, he is sucked inside the game, disappearing from the real world as time continues to pass, thus leaving the Vreeke family's house in a disheveled state. Twenty years later, four Brantford High School students – awkward Spencer Gilpin, athletic Anthony "Fridge" Johnson, ditzy Bethany Walker, and cynical Martha Kaply are given detention; Fridge and Spencer for having been caught cheating in their assignments, Bethany for making a video call during a quiz, and Martha for disrespecting the gym teacher. Upon finding Alex’s discarded video game system and starting it up, the group is suck...