My views Plot In 2017, in the small town of Venus, Oregon, a man named Jeff Morell is ambushed in the woods by three masked assailants—Scarecrow, Dollface, and Pin-Up Girl. Scarecrow ultimately kills Jeff with an axe. Some time later, Maya and her boyfriend Ryan are driving across the country to Portland, where she is due for a job interview, while celebrating their five-year anniversary. En route, they stop to eat at a diner in Venus, where they encounter a few hostile locals. While at the diner, the couple notices a missing persons poster for Jeff. When their car breaks down, the town's mechanic, Rudy, agrees to fix it by the next morning. Shelly, a friendly waitress, drives the couple to a secluded Airbnb cabin in the woods for them to stay the night. That night, as Maya and Ryan settle into the cabin, a mysterious young woman knocks on the front door, asking if Tamara is home, and the couple dismisses her. Realizing he left his inhaler behind in the car, Ryan goes back i...