My views Non stop smoking Non stop drinking A 42-years-old Bette Davis is considered an "aging actress" Plot The story begins in medias res , told via narration by acerbic theatre critic Addison DeWitt, who introduces the various characters as they attend the ceremony for the distinguished Sarah Siddons Award for Prestigious Achievement, awarded to rising star actor Eve Harrington. DeWitt's narration promises the audience will learn Eve's true story as the narrative voice switches to that of Karen Richards. Some years previous, Broadway star Margo Channing, recently turned 40, worries about what advancing age will mean for her career. After a performance of Margo's latest play, Margo's close friend, Karen Richards, wife of the play's author Lloyd Richards, brings besotted fan Eve Harrington backstage to meet Margo. In Margo's dressing room, Eve tells Karen, Lloyd, and Margo's maid Birdie, that she followed Margo's last theatrical tour to Ne...