What a mission.... Weeks of preparation. Took me some time to have it booked, going from Charité to Vivantes. Booked, almost in month in advance, with Vivantes. Two weeks prior the surgery, Vivantes cancelled the operation because of fears on uncertainty about how my AstraZaneca Covid19 shot will impact my surgery. I had to start looking for a booking for the surgery with Charité again. Meanwhile, Vivantes backtracked and decided to go ahead with the surgery. Three days of exams, tests etc and the surgery was postponed to Monday On Sunday, prior the surgery, I had to go back to Vivantes to do more tests. I received the ok to go ahead. Monday morning at the hospital. Surgery was performed on the afternoon. Three days later I am finally back home. The nurses were amazing. I have to say that they made a huge effort to deal communicate with me, since I do not speak German.