My views Plot In 1987, Father Gabriele Amorth, the Pope 's personal exorcist , an earthy, scooter-riding, humorous, practical man, visits an Italian village where a man is seemingly possessed by a demon . With the local priest, Amorth enters the room where the man is tied up. While exorcising him, using a Saint Benedict Medal sacramental, Amorth taunts the demon, challenging it to possess a pig; when it does, the pig is killed with a shotgun. This incident gets Amorth in trouble with a Church tribunal, since he acted without permission from superiors. One tribunal member is Bishop Lumumba, but another is an American Cardinal , Sullivan, skeptical of demonic possession. Amorth replies that evil does exist and that he did not perform an actual exorcism but rather, some psychological theater to help the mentally ill man. Disgusted, Amorth walks out of the tribunal. The Pope as...
My view Plot The film starts with a naked figure sitting in a tree in a mental asylum . Nurses come out to him, to try to coax him off of his perch, using a plate of raw fish to persuade him to come down. As the nurses get him to put on some overalls, it is shown that he has a tattoo of a phoenix on his chest. Years ago, Fenix spends his time performing as a "child magician" in a circus run by his father Orgo, the knife-thrower, and his mother Concha, a trapeze artist and aerialist. The circus crew also includes, among others, a tattooed woman, who acts as the object of Orgo's knife-throwing feats, her adopted daughter Alma (a deaf mute mime and tightrope walker whom Fenix is close to), Fenix's dwarf friend Aladin, a pack of clowns and an elephant. Orgo carries on a very public flirtation with the tattooed woman, and their knife-throwing act is heavily sexualized. Concha is also the leader of a religious cult that considers as its patron saint a girl who was rap...